The full Vermont high school football schedule for the 2024 season

Portrait of Alex Abrami Alex Abrami
Burlington Free Press

The 2024 Vermont high school football season is just around the corner.

U-32 and North Country kick off another gridiron campaign with a Week 1 showdown on Thursday, Aug. 29. Eight games are slated for the next night. The regular season wraps following Week 8 matchups during the Oct. 17-19 stretch.

More:'Always in the game': Burr and Burton captain named Free Press boys athlete of the year

The championship tripleheader will be hosted by St. Johnsbury Academy on Saturday, Nov. 9, marking the first year of rotating sites the Vermont Principals' Association approved in spring 2023. Rutland High School had previously hosted every football championship game since 2013.

Read on below for the full, week-to-week schedule for the 2024 season:


Thursday, Aug. 29

U-32 at North Country, 6 p.m.

Friday, Aug. 30

Games at 7 p.m. unless noted

BFA-St. Albans at Middlebury

Essex at St. Johnsbury

Rutland at Mount Anthony

Rice at Spaulding

Missisquoi at Springfield

Poultney at Woodstock

Mount Abraham at Peru, New York, 6 p.m.

Colchester at Milton, 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, Aug. 31

Games at 1 p.m. unless noted

Hartford at Champlain Valley

Burlington/South Burlington at Mount Mansfield

Lyndon at Bellows Falls

Fair Haven at Windsor

Otter Valley at BFA-Fairfax/Lamoille

Oxbow at Mill River

Burr and Burton at Brattleboro, 7 p.m.


Thursday, Sept. 5

Mount Abraham at Spaulding, 6 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 6

Games at 7 p.m. unless noted

Colchester at BFA-St. Albans

Brattleboro at Rutland

Champlain Valley at Essex

Mount Anthony at Hartford

St. Johnsbury at Burlington/South Burlington

Bellows Falls at U-32

North Country at Fair Haven

Windsor at Springfield

Woodstock at Peru, New York, 6 p.m.

Saturday, Sept. 7

Games at 1 p.m. unless noted

Hartford at Burr and Burton

Lyndon at Mount Mansfield

Milton at Missisquoi

Rice at Otter Valley

Mill River at BFA-Fairfax/Lamoille

Oxbow at Poultney


Friday, Sept. 13

Games at 7 p.m. unless noted

BFA-St. Albans at St. Johnsbury

Brattleboro at Hartford

Burr and Burton at Mount Anthony

Champlain Valley at Colchester

Burlington/Colchester at Essex

Brattleboro at Hartford

Middlebury at Rutland

North Country at Bellows Falls

BFA-Fairfax at Milton, 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, Sept 14

Games at 1 p.m. unless noted

U-32 at Lyndon

Mount Abraham at Rice

Spaulding at Otter Valley

Windsor at Mill River

Missisquoi at Oxbow

Fair Haven at Mount Mansfield, 3 p.m.

Open: Poultney.


Friday, Sept. 20

Games at 7 p.m. unless noted

Champlain Valley at BFA-St. Albans

St. Johnsbury at Brattleboro

Middlebury at Hartford

Mount Anthony at Colchester

Laconia, New Hampshire at Rutland

Lyndon at Fair Haven

Windsor at North Country

Saturday, Sept. 21

Games at 1 p.m. unless noted

Essex at Burr and Burton

Otter Valley at Mount Abraham

Rice at Missisquoi

BFA-Fairfax/Lamoille at Poultney

Woodstock at Oxbow

Bellows Falls at Mount Mansfield, 3 p.m.

Burlington/Colchester at U-32, 6 p.m.

Milton at Spaulding, 6 p.m.

Mill River at Springfield, 7 p.m.


Thursday, Sept. 26

Essex at Colchester, 6 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 27

Games at 7 p.m. unless noted

Burlington/Colchester at BFA-St. Albans

Brattleboro at Middlebury

Hartford at Mount Anthony

Bellows Falls at Fair Haven

Mount Mansfield at North Country

U-32 at Woodstock

Saturday, Sept. 28

Games at 1 p.m. unless noted

Rutland at Burr and Burton

St. Johnsbury at Champlain Valley

Lyndon at Windsor

Milton at Otter Valley

Missisquoi at Mount Abraham

Mill River at Rice

Spaulding at BFA-Fairfax/Lamoille

Springfield at Poultney

Open: Oxbow.


Thursday, Oct. 3

Bellows Falls at Hartford, 6 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 4

Games at 7 p.m. unless noted

Keene, New Hampshire at Brattleboro

Rutland at Essex

Colchester at Burlington/South Burlington

Burr and Burton at St. Johnsbury

Fair Haven at U-32

Oxbow at Spaulding

North Country at Milton, 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, Oct. 5

Games at 1 p.m. unless noted

BFA-St. Albans at Mount Mansfield

Middlebury at Champlain Valley

Mount Anthony at Rice

North Country at Lyndon

BFA-Fairfax/Lamoille at Mount Abraham

Woodstock at Mill River

Otter Valley at Missisquoi

Poultney at Windsor


Thursday, Oct. 10

Burr and Burton at Champlain Valley, 3 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 11

Games at 7 p.m. unless noted

Brattleboro at Burlington/Colchester

Essex at Middlebury

North Country at Hartford

Fair Haven at Mount Anthony

Colchester at St. Johnsbury

Bellows Falls at Springfield

Lyndon at Woodstock

Saturday, Oct. 12

Games at 1 p.m. unless noted

Milton at Mount Abraham

U-32 at Mount Mansfield

BFA-Fairfax/Lamoille at Rice

Spaulding at Missisquoi

Mill River at Poultney

Windsor at Oxbow

Rutland at BFA-St. Albans, 6 p.m.

Open: Otter Valley.


Thursday, Oct. 17

Rice at Milton, 6:30 p.m.

Mount Anthony at Brattleboro, 7 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 18

Games at 7 p.m. unless noted

BFA-St. Albans at Essex

Middlebury at Burr and Burton

Champlain Valley at Burlington/Colchester

Hartford at Rutland

Sanborn, New Hampshire at Bellows Falls

Mount Mansfield at Colchester

Mount Abraham at North Country

Spaulding at U-32

Saturday, Oct. 19

Games at 1 p.m. unless noted

St. Johnsbury at Lyndon

Missisquoi at BFA-Fairfax/Lamoille

Otter Valley at Mill River

Springfield at Oxbow

Woodstock at Windsor

Poultney at Fair Haven, 7 p.m.


Quarterfinal/wildcard rounds (dates, times TBD)


Semifinal rounds (dates, times TBD)


Saturday, Nov. 9

Championship tripleheader at St. Johnsbury Academy

(All games subject to change)

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