october 12
- H.S. roundup: CVU, South Burlington settle for draw
- Gubernatorial hopefuls pitch affordable housing
- Early morning fire in Burlington displaces four
- Editorial: For president, Hillary Clinton
- National Life, VSECU give time, money
- Video: Lt Gov. candidates sit down with the Free Press
- Cabin becomes emblem in debate over wind energy
- Fund established for families of crash victims
- After the Whistle: Ep. 003 Harwood tragedy, UVM hockey hazing addressed
- Opinion: Jackowski campaign statement
- Burlington braces as teacher strike vote looms
- Opinion: What’s really troubling teachers?
- Leahy and Milne trade shots after Trump fallout
- Phil Scott says Vermont must focus on economy and everything else will follow
- Wednesday's scores and Thursday's schedule
- Howard Center won't answer questions on I-89 crash