december 8
- News You Should Know: Dec. 8, 2017
- Editorial Cartoons: Dec. 8, 2017
- House tax bill targets graduate students
- Price Chopper recalls roast beef over soy allergy concern
- UVM grad students don't like the math of House's tax bill
- Four injured in explosion at UTC Aerospace in Vergennes
- Candidates Driscoll and Culcleasure Q&A at Progressive caucus
- Judge rules against Shelburne in railway lawsuit
- China isn't America's rival -- pinkie swear
- Explosion at UTC Aerospace in Vergennes
- Vt. tax revenue rebounds in November
- For Vermonter of the Year: Carolyn Elley Long
- For Vermonter of the Year: Brenda Torpy
- For Vermonter of the Year: Sue Minter
- For Vermonter of the Year: David Wolk
- For Vermonter of the Year: Tom Huebner
- For Vermonter of the Year: John Ewing
- Opinion: Beauty pageants must go
- Editorial: Stop redacting climate change
- What happened to Burlington's courthouse trees?
- Case builds for replacing wind-felled trees at Burlington courthouse
- Border agents report more apprehensions in Vt., N.Y., and N.H.
- Horror author James Scarola's attempted murder conviction upheld
- Friday's Vermont sports scores and Saturday's schedule
- Burlington mayor: "Sanctuary city" policies adhere to federal law